Thursday, February 4, 2016

Teenagers and Risk Taking

Please read the article entitled Teenagers and Risk Taking at Camp by Ann Woods and answer the following questions:

1. What unhealthy risk taking do we see at WLHS?  Speak in general terms, no specific names of students please.
2.  What are the signs of negative risk taking?
3.  How would you deal with a friend who is engaged in negative risk taking?
4. What are positive risk taking activities we should promote at WLHS?

Post your response to these questions and make at least two comments on your classmate's post please.

Monday, October 5, 2015

Education and the Brain Today

Listen to the following commentary: 474 Back to School, from This American Life, WBEZ, and comment on the following questions.  Follow discussion board format by making original post of 250+ words and make at least 2 comments (4 sentence minimum) on your classmate's posts.  Have fun with the conversation.

According to the audio, how do we "fix" the American education system?  What are the changes in the biology and the brain that are challenging learners today?  What should kids be learning in school today, k-12?  What psychology experiment did you find interesting and why?  

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Screen Time and Mental Health

A recent study by Public Health England raised concerns that too much screen time is taking its toll on the mental health of children.  Recently some of your classmates argued that video games were actually good for children.  What is your position on children's mental health and screen time?  Present your argument in 250 words and reply to at least two of your classmates.